Doctor’s Morning Matcha Chai: A Way to Enjoy the Benefits of Matcha
Doctor’s Morning Matcha Chai: A Way to Enjoy the Benefits of Matcha Like most people I have a...
Penetrating the Illusion of Separation
Penetrating the Illusion of Separation The following article was written six or seven years ago...
Creating quality herbal extracts for botanical medicine
Creating quality herbal extracts for botanical medicine: My Ongoing Adventures in Botanical...
Introducing Doctor’s Nutrient Rich Smoothie
Introducing Doctor’s Nutrient Rich Smoothie: I’ve created this product to support my patients in...
Making Herbal Medicines, My New Vocation
Making Herbal Medicines, My New Vocation Plant medicines in the form of herbal tinctures have...
My Berry Confession
My Berry Confession I am, among other things, a rabid lover of berries and my walking companions...
Choice, Fate and Aging
Choice, Fate and Aging It’s a wry fact that many of those who have been most vocal about best...
Taking a Sledgehammer to Heartburn
Taking a Sledgehammer to Heartburn You may be surprised to learn that medicine is subject to...
The Quality of Natural Products
The Quality of Natural Products In the U.S., reports emerge periodically indicating that herbal...
Gluten Free or Fact Free?
Gluten Free or Fact Free? Wheat and grains generally the focus of a great deal of controversy in...
The Benefits of Meditation
The Benefits of Meditation What does meditation have to do with naturopathic medicine? If we...
Skeptical of the Skeptics: Unreason in the name of Reason
Skeptical of the Skeptics: Unreason in the name of Reason Sometime ago I happened to hear vocal...
Help for Psoriasis
Help for Psoriasis Psoriasis is one of the most intractable conditions to treat for both...
The Two Traditions of Medicine
The Two Traditions of Medicine When we think of health, it is might be worthwhile to point out...
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead Tonight we watched this film on Netflix. It can also be seen free at...
Two helpful Concepts from Yoga Philosophy
Two helpful Concepts from Yoga Philosophy There are two sanskrit terms that I think are very...