List of articles
The Mind in Homeopathy: Rhetoric vs. Reality View/Download
Is there a role for psychology, nutrition and botanicals in the practice of homeopathy? View/Download
A Question of Balance View/Download
Homeopathy: Working with Nature’s Laws View/Download
EDITORIAL- We Must Find a New Way View/Download
EDITORIAL- Advancing the Science, Averting Prejudice View/Download
Dr. Neil Tessler interviews Jeremy Sherr View/Download
Dr. Neil Tessler interviews Dr. Rajan Sankaran View/Download
Dr. Neil Tessler interviews Divya Chhabra View/Download
Depth Sounding on a Lesser Remedy with Three Cases View/Download
Dynamic Potential of Network Marketing View/Download
List of editorials written by Dr. Neil Tessler for the homeopathic professional journal SIMILLIMUM. Click here